RAMADAN 2023: How the sighting of the crescent moon once helped desert travellers

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The month of March has begun its journey, yes, towards spring, but, perhaps, more importantly towards Ramadan 2023 and all that that entails.

Soon, eyes will lift skyward in search of the waxing crescent moon that will usher in the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Camel caravans of yore once journeyed the desert trade routes across Arabia. The unforgiving sun dictated that caravans travelled mainly by night when navigation depended on the position of the moon and stars, with the moon seen as the guidance of God on the path through life.

Soon Muslims around the world will be again searching the sky for the new crescent moon, or young crescent, to return to the evening sky.

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This time it will not be for the guidance of caravans travelling under a star-studded sky across the deserts, but rather to indicate the ushering in of the Holy Month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic year.

Ramadan is expected to start on 23 March this year and the moon-sighting committee – a group of astronomers, court officials and advisers from the country’s Islamic authority – will typically convene after maghrib, or sunset, prayers on the 29th day of Sha’ ban to glimpse a whisker-thin waxing crescent moon that will sit very low in the sky at sunset.

And if it is sighted, Ramadan 2023 will be upon us once again.


For more Ramadan news and happenings, head to Yalla Abu Dhabi

Image source Pixabay

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