The bird watching survey was the most comprehensive ever conducted in Abu Dhabi and the UAE
Bird watching in Abu Dhabi and the UAE in general is nothing new.
According to Oscar Campbell, who works as Nautica’s resident ornithologist here in Abu Dhabi, there are between 80 or 90 species of birds that breed here in Abu Dhabi and the UAE as a whole.
This, of course, is great news for bird watchers in Abu Dhabi.
One such breed of bird is the Osprey, which, according to The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD), is currently soaring high in terms of its breeding habits.
The EAD has, for the best part of 2023, taken bird watching in Abu Dhabi to the next level, after it conducted a survey that monitors the might osprey’s breeding populations, which is said to be the largest in the Arabian Gulf region.
The survey to monitor Osprey breeding was the most comprehensive ever conducted in the UAE, with no less than 127 breeding pairs recorded, according to the EAD.
Assessing trends in numbers
The EAD has been working hard with its strategic partners to help maintain the stability and reproduction of the Osprey population.
With its partners, the Agency provided artificial nesting platforms at certain sites and on islands connected to the mainland to protect them from predation and human interventions.
The nesting platforms provided suitable and safe options for birds to build new nests.
“The artificial nesting platforms that have been placed in more than 25 locations,” said Ahmed Al Hashemi, Executive Director of the Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity Sector at EAD.
“This has proven to be a very effective tool in providing breeding opportunities. We are taking actions as outlined in the action plan for the species which has been classified as Endangered (EN) in the Abu Dhabi Red List of Species.”
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The survey, as well as regular monitoring of the breeding population, will provide the agency with the information on the Osprey to assess trends in numbers and enhance efforts to protect and preserve the birds.
“Fifty-six per cent of the Osprey nests are present in the EAD’s marine nature reserves, which enhances the agency’s role in protecting and preserving the environment,” adds Ahmed.
When do Ospreys breed in the UAE?
Known as the Western Osprey here in the UAE, which is locally called Dammi and is a breeding bird species native to the UAE, it feeds exclusively on fish and is widespread in marine habitats only, with very few nesting inland.
The breeding season of this might bird are between the months December to March., usually nesting on the ground in large nests.
The nests made up of dry vegetation surrounding the nesting site.
Nests are also built on rocky outcrops, abandoned structures, or any raised platform large enough to accommodate them.
Osprey can also nest on very high structures, with one of the highest nests recorded at a height of about 60 metres on a communications tower.
The survey revealed an unusual observation, as the nest of the Osprey was built in a tree, which was – uncharacteristic behaviour since this species prefers to nest on the ground.
Nesting is usually in coastal areas since Osprey feeds only on fish and therefore require an abundant supply of fish.
The Osprey is protected under Federal Law No. 24/1999 which prohibits hunting, killing or capturing these birds, collecting their eggs or hatchlings, or causing damage to their breeding sites.
The Agency is committed to monitoring and enforcing protection measures to ensure the preservation of this important bird species and its natural habitats.
Migratory birds in Abu Dhabi
A good indicator of the health and quality of the marine ecosystems, the osprey is included within the Action Plan to conserve migratory birds of Prey under the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia (Raptor MoU).
The agency works closely to conserve this species at a global level in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Convention on Migratory Species and hosted and supported the CMS Abu Dhabi Office since 2009 which implements programmes and activities for Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia under.
According to Oscar Campbell, the number of bird species ever recorded in the UAE is over 450.
The majority of birds here visit to either spend the winter (an obvious thing to do, given the pleasant weather compared to conditions in central Asia or Siberia, where such birds breed) or transit the UAE, pausing for just a few days on journeys that span the globe.
Fabulous news for bird watchers in Abu Dhabi and the UAE, such movements stretch one’s incredulity with regard to what a ball of feathers, muscle and hot blood weighing the equivalent to a small chocolate bar can accomplish, to breaking point.
Bird migration has astonished and enthralled bird watchers and people in general for centuries,
Local examples of migratory birds in Abu Dhabi and the wider UAE include Marsh Warbler, Northern Wheatear, and Black-headed Bunting, among others.
Falconry licenses
Currently, falconry season is in full flight in Abu Dhabi, running from October 2023 to January 2024.
The EAD has been instrumental in communicating to hunters that this traditional and ancient sport be practiced under a sport regulated by legal and environmental controls in Abu Dhabi.
The Agency also pointed out that falconry can only be undertaken after obtaining a traditional hunting licence (falconry) through the Abu Dhabi unified government services system “TAMM”, offering clear guidelines on how hunters can apply for a license
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