Abu Dhabi schools confirm distance learning for all schools due to weather forecast
Rain, rain, when will you go away?
There’s some more unpredictable weather incoming for Abu Dhabi residents following which schools have confirmed remote learning.
Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) confirmed the same for students in the UAE capital, with Thursday 2 May and Friday 3 May being distance learning days following news of further inclement and treacherous weather conditions. Earlier today, the NCEMA also urged governments of all emirates to call for remote working both across the public and private sectors.
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The news comes following some of the worst rainfall and thunder storms that has ever been faced in the UAE, where record rainfalls were reported two weeks ago.
The volatile weather led to some very distressing scenes in parts of Sharjah and Dubai where the city was flooded, roads became impassable, and work places and schools were closed with immediate effect. In light of the same, do take note of some adverse weather conditions and be sure to stay indoors as much as possible.
Stay safe!
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