Etihad Airways joins Aviation Impact Accelerator group in drive towards net zero aviation

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The airline was named Environmental Airline of the Year 2022 last week.

The national of the UAE, Etihad Airways, is leading the way once again on the flight towards net zero aviation by joining the Aviation Impact Accelerator (AIA).

The first airline to join the international group of practitioners and academia convened by the University of Cambridge, other members of the group include Boeing and Rolls-Royce.

 Speaking on the announcement, Tony Douglas, Group Chief Executive Officer, Etihad Aviation Group, said; “We are proud to be partnering with one of the world’s leading jet engine research labs to further support the decarbonisation of our industry.

“Etihad is committed to sustainability and the dedication of its fleet as flying test-beds for research and innovation through the Greenline and Sustainable50 programmes, and this new collaboration with the University of Cambridge, through the Aviation Impact Accelerator, will allow for more industrial and academic synergy.”

The membership of AIA is the next step in the airline’s drive for net zero aviation after the launch of its flagship Greenline programme, in partnership with Boeing and GE, and its newly launched Sustainable50 programme in partnership with Airbus and Rolls Royce.

And last week, Etihad was named Environmental Airline of the Year 2022 by Airline Ratings, the industry’s renowned rating agency, for its pursuit and commitment to aviation sustainability.

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