Why Choose Odyssey Nursery?

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Located in Khalifa City, Odyssey Nursery is one of the most highly rated nurseries in Abu Dhabi, offering learning in a multi-lingual system of French, English and Arabic.

Odyssey Nursery

The Odyssey Vision

At the heart of everything at Odyssey Nursery is a vision to provide a child-centred approach to education – to enable children to reach their full potential and prepare them for the future.

With a team of professional and experienced staff, imaginatively planned lessons, and unique indoor and outdoor facilities, children’s learning is supported by a warm, happy, and nurturing environment at Odyssey Nursery.

Why the Reggio Emilia Emergent Curriculum?

The curriculum at Odyssey Nursery is inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy.

The core beliefs of the philosophy are that all children are born with a varying amount of competencies, interests, and knowledge that educators must understand and value in order to help them develop. When a child is, for example, painting, dancing, singing, or drawing, they are exploring a way of expressing their own identity, feelings, thoughts, and ideas, which Odyssey Nursery encourages with a unique and supportive classroom environment.

Why Choose Odyssey Nursery?

For Your Child…

At Odyssey Nursery, you can rest assured that your child will…

  • Learn in a safe, happy, and stimulating environment
  • Have fun with friends of all ages
  • Play, discover, explore, learn and create
  • Have access to a wide variety of resources
  • Develop social skills, accept structure, and share
  • Become confident, independent and resilient

For You…

As a parent, you will…

  • Benefit from the flexibility of Odyssey Nursery
  • Understand more about the care of your child
  • Feel safe in the knowledge that your child will be making friends and having fun whilst learning every day

For more information or to arrange a visit of Odyssey Nursery please call 02 665 5994 or visit www.odysseynursery.com

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