Our next Rising Star, Ameera Mubarak

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Our next Rising Star is 15-year-old and UAE ice skating champion, Ameera Mubarak. Ameera has been skating for just three years and is a member of the UAE National ice skating team. At the recent FBMA Trophy for Figure Skating, Ameera was awarded her top scores ever in competition and received third place.

In the future, Ameera aspires to compete in the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating, and is training very hard with her coach, Alexandra Levleva at Emirates Skating Club, located at Zayed Sports City.

Ameera is obviously destined for great things in the world of ice skating, and as her talent grows, she hopes to be able to inspire more children to get into the sport, regardless of their ability, culture, or religion- and after spending just a short amount of time with Ameera on the ice, we’re pretty confident that this bubbly young woman will melt away any fears you may have had about getting on the ice!

About Emirates Skating Club

Emirates Skating Club is the first registered and licensed figure skating club in the United Arab Emirates. The club was established to promote and develop the sport of figure skating, and continues to provide an atmosphere of mutual respect and social interaction, while promoting positive role models, good sportsmanship, and lasting friendships.

The club hope to inspire strong qualities of discipline, poise, and self confidence that will continue throughout every members life. By maintaining excellence in their training, organization and programs, Emirates Skating Club foster an environment supportive to social, recreational and competitive ice skating. Through Emirates Skating Club’s opportunities and guidance, social and recreational skaters achieve their personal goals, whilst competitive skaters realise their dreams of becoming champions.

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