Mathnasium shares its top tips for teaching subtraction

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Mathnasium is your neighbourhood math-only learning centre that teaches kids math the way that makes sense to them.

A team of experienced math tutors utilize the company’s proprietary teaching materials and techniques, The Mathnasium Method™, to deliver a customised learning plan designed to address each student’s needs, whether they started out far behind or are already ahead in math.

The centre’s instruction approach goes beyond traditional math tutoring to develop understanding and build a love for math.

When it comes to the topic of teaching subtraction, Mathnasium shares its top tips for parents!

Subtraction has two aspects:

  • 1) The notion of “how much is left,” and
  • 2) The idea of “how apart are the two numbers (how far is it from the smaller number up to the bigger number.”

Use this notion “how much is left” when the numbers are fairly far apart, and count down.

For example, “12 – 3” is best thought of “counting down from 12 by 3.”

On the other hand, use this notion “how far apart are the two numbers” when the numbers are fairly close to each other, and count up.

For example, “12 – 9” is best thought of “how far is from 9 up to 12.”

After a good deal of practice with both methods, the right one will automatically come to mind as you are doing problems. Print out this page and try the below:

Which method would you use for “100 – 98”? (CIRCLE ONE) A) HOW FAR APART B) HOW MUCH IS LEFT

Which method would you use for “100 – 3”? (CIRCLE ONE) A) HOW FAR APART B) HOW MUCH IS LEFT

Which method would you use for “100 – 87”? (CIRCLE ONE) A) HOW FAR APART B) HOW MUCH IS LEFT

Which method would you use for “100 – 15”? (CIRCLE ONE) A) HOW FAR APART B) HOW MUCH IS LEFT


For more information visit or contact the below branches directly –

Mathnasium, Khalifa City (02 555 8785)

Mathnasium, AL Reem (02 491 0122)

Mathnasium, Al Muroor (Opening soon) (056 611 4212)


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