How to stay SunSmart this summer with Snö

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Now’s the time to start taking care of your skin, whatever your skin tone is.

Summer is approaching once again and sunglasses and sunscreen are probably the number one  item on your shopping list.

Although these items may be the ‘go-to’ products in summer, they are not necessarily the answer to all skin problems lurking on the horizon.

Skincare is a developing concept, and therefore ever-changing. A basic skin routine – washing your face, moisturising, and that all-important sunscreen – are a must!

The fierce desert sun, however, may be able to break through all of this just enough to begin its attack on your skin.

And don’t forget that common and lingering misconception about those with lighter skin tones having more to worry about when it comes to the sun is not necessarily true, and has removed the true opportunity to be educated about what harm the sun may cause, regardless of your skin colour.


Remain SunSmart



Darker skin has proven to show higher levels of melanin – pigment that provides colour to the skin and helps to protect the cells from some forms of skin damage. However, darker skin tones face just as much risk as lighter tones.

Premature aging, tans, sunburn, and even skin cancer can help to be prevented through just a few routine steps.

The goal this summer is to remain ‘SunSmart’, and Snö Bodyworx is here to provide a few tips and tricks on how to make this happen.



Regularly cleansing your face of all dirt and sweat is key to any initial process of protecting the skin.


Sun Protection Factor
The most common item to help protect your skin is to use sunscreen. However, it is always good to be aware of SPF (Sun Protection Factor) values. While higher SPF may prevent sunburn and tans, it allows for more harmful things to seep through, such as UVA/UVB rays.

Various ingredients have been used in sunscreens with higher SPF values, which may pose further health risks and make minimal difference. This is why Snö encourages using an SPF 30-50 on a daily basis and reapplying when necessary.


Avoid peak times
Stay out of the sun between 11am-3pm when sun rays are at their strongest. Tanning and other activities that require direct exposure to the sun for long periods of time should also be avoided when possible.


Protect yourself
A sun hat and a pair of UVA/UVB blocking sunglasses never did anyone harm, and besides, they make you look cool and chic! Not only that, wearing such items prevent direct rays from beaming on your face and offer strong protection to the eyes.


Stay alert
Most importantly, keep a tab on your skin. You know your skin better than anyone. Watch it, observe it and protect it this summer. If you find things changing or problems arising, do not hesitate to contact your doctor or skin specialist for advice.

Enjoy summer but remember to remain SunSmart and beat the heat this summer! Your skin will thank you in years to come.


If you want professional advice about the sun and your skin, consult a dermatologist at

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