A new UAE falcon racing tournament has been revealed in Dubai

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UAE Falcons Federation Cup

There will be seven days of racing.

Falcon lovers will have a chance to catch a glimpse of the fastest falcons in the UAE with the announcement of the UAE Falcons Federation Cup.

Organised by the UAE Falcons Federation, the first edition of the competition will see falcon races in the Farkh (falcons under one-year-old) category from 7 to 14 December.

Held at Dubai’s Al Ruwayyah fields, the races will be over a distance of 400 metres in three categories (Sheikhs, Open Public, and Owners), with five competitions divided into three rounds each.

The competition will include Jeer Shaheen (Farkh), Jeer Teba (Farkh), Pure Jeer (Farkh), and Qarmousha (Farkh).

The championship will consist of 12 main rounds, with four rounds for each category of Sheikhs, Open Public, and Owners, and three rounds of the Final Cup with one round each for the categories.

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Image source WAM

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