YAS ACRES FAMILY FAIR: Free food for kids and lots of fun activities for all ages Children get complimentary bento box and enjoy free activities throughout the day including an artistic swimming session
LOGOS HOPE RETURNS TO ABU DHABI: Discover new literary gems at the world’s largest floating book fair Indulge in reading pleasure with more than 5,000 titles for kids and adults or join workshops, concerts and various cultural interactions at the ship
Backstreet Boys to perform at Etihad Arena in Abu Dhabi Backstreet Boys will bring their DNA World Tour 2023 concert series to the UAE capital
This stunning National Geographic exhibition will open during Eid in Abu Dhabi’s National Aquarium Exhibition will showcase stunning imagery and stories from over a decade worth of global expeditions by National Geographic
UAE to make history with the Rashid Rover soft landing UAE to attempt soft moon landing with Rashid Rover
The exciting Egyptian Super Cup football final returns to Abu Dhabi Exciting event is part of a partnership between Abu Dhabi Sports Council and Egyptian Football Association
You cannot miss Selfdrive Laughter Factory’s USA! USA! tour Selfdrive Laughter Factory’s USA! USA! tour
The UAE Climate Tech forum comes to Abu Dhabi this May The first Climate Tech Forum to take place in Abu Dhabi