Cranleigh Abu Dhabi, from Culture Comes Strength

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‘Ex Cultu Robur’.

PARTNER CONTENT: Cranleigh UK stands within 280 acres of beautiful Surrey countryside as it always has done since the friendly boarding school launched in 1865. The School’s ethos of encouraging Cranleighians to look beyond themselves to make a difference to the society in which they live and work still holds firm today.

The boarding school element of the School provides an environment in which pupils have a home within an institution that nurtures pupil to teacher and tutor relationships that are akin to family.

Thousands of miles away in the desert plains, such attributes with which Cranleigh is synonymous are firmly embedded in Cranleigh Abu Dhabi.

While Cranleigh Abu Dhabi does not have a boarding school element in line with UAE laws, the same teacher and tutor system is implemented as one would see in Cranleigh UK. Each pupil has a Class Teacher (FS1 Nursery to Year 4) or, a Tutor (Year 5 – Sixth Form) who has primary responsibility for his or her wellbeing and academic oversight. Class Teachers and Tutors are the initial contacts for advice and guidance for both pupils and parents.

In addition, Heads of Year, Housemasters, an Independent Listener (School Counsellor) and Senior Leaders with specific Pastoral responsibilities and expertise remain intrinsically invested in pupils’ wellbeing. Importantly, all Cranleigh learners also have access to nominated members of their peer group who have been selected and coached to provide a further layer of support and a voice to decisions made in school.

Mirroring that of Cranleigh UK, the School buildings have been designed in such a way that look in on a huge expanse of grass where in groups juniors and seniors sit as teachers and other staff, many of whom live onsite, look out on this social setting.

A happy child is a successful child, which is borne from the relationships formed between child and teacher and teacher and parents. Underpinning this is the School’s strong and well-founded reputation of its pastoral care whereby the needs of pupils as young people and individuals in their own rights are a cornerstone of the School’s work.

Cranleigh Abu Dhabi also implements a broad co-curriculum programme. Each member of staff is involved in three to four co-curricular activities that include Sports, Performing Arts and Clubs & Activities and much more. Such activities help pupils develop their independent skills, explore new interests, enhance their creative development and enjoy new challenges, thus building confidence in pupils.

Such co-curricular activities present an opportunity for the teacher and tutor to get to know pupils beyond the classroom setting and see them in different ways, ultimately using the fun experiences pupils have had to appeal to their better nature while within an academic setting in class

Like Cranleigh UK, pupils at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi also belong to a House, which sets a framework of teamwork and camaraderie. with a vibrant programme of internal competitions on sports, the arts and academia. Events range in size and significance from Inter-House Spelling Bees, quizzes and baking to Sports Day, talent competitions and Music events.

Being part of a House provides pupils with both a great sense of community and excellent opportunities to develop their leadership skills, as well as encouraging them to be positive and supportive community members.

The Ghaf Tree, which can remain green even in the harshest environments, clearly illustrates that if a seed is planted in the right environment, that seed will search for water. The water, of course, in analogous terms, represents Cranleigh Abu Dhabi from which pupils source the water required to develop and grow holistically in readiness for a successful future.


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