EID AL-ETIHAD: Rules to follow to avoid hefty fines during UAE National Day celebrations

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Follow these guidelines and avoid hefty fines during the 53rd UAE National Day celebrations

Say hello to a long weekend of the UAE National Day celebrations, as the UAE gears up for the 53rd Eid al-Etihad with plenty of celebrations and fireworks planned for all!

And while a whole load of fun is promised for all, it could end in tears for those, especially motorists, who break any of the rules and guidelines issued by The Ministry of Interior (MOI).

While there are plenty of things to do across Abu Dhabi and the UAE for the National Day weekend, it’s important to take note of the recently issued guidelines and rules to ensure safe celebrations. Mainly aimed at motorists, the guidelines include not letting passengers sit on vehicle windows or sunroofs and not raising the flag of any country other than the UAE.


What are the rules and guidelines?


  • The rules and guidelines for celebrating the UAE National Day are mainly aimed at motorists, with an emphasis on all UAE residents to behave and celebrate responsibly.
  • Do not block the vehicle’s number plates or obstruct the view of the driver with the decorations
  • Do not change the original colour of the car, nor modify the engine
  • Do not cover the windows and windshields with stickers or sunshades
  • Participants should only wear scarves specifically designed for Eid al-Etihad celebrations
  • Do not participate in “marches and random gatherings”
  • Do not spray confetti or paint at people
  • Do not write “phrases or place inappropriate stickers on the vehicle”
  • Songs and chants should only be related to Eid al-Etihad celebrations
  • Do not carry more than the permitted number of passengers
  • Do not let passengers sit on the vehicle’s windows or sunroof
  • Do not block or disrupt traffic
  • Do not drive recklessly driving on internal and external roads
  • Do not raise the flag of any other country other than the UAE


What is Eid al-Etihad?


The UAE is celebrating 53 years since it formed in 1971, with each year marked by celebrations including fabulous firework displays across the country

Decked out in red, green and white, the colours of the UAE flag, the country, residents and locals alike, come together to celebrate this immense union.

The occasion is marked by paid holidays for the public and private sectors and the authorities usually put on a show, which has yet to be announced.


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Image credit ITC

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