BAD WEATHER ALERT: Abu Dhabi (and UAE) hit again

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Rain in Abu Dhabi

The stormy weather conditions arrived in Abu Dhabi overnight and are expected to worsen throughout the day

Just when we thought the summer sun was piercing its little head around the corner and the last of the unpredictable weather had seized Abu Dhabi and the UAE in general got hit with another wave of stormy conditions.

Thunder and lightning filled the capital’s skies and heavy rainfall was recorded overnight, leaving Government authorities with no alternative but to advise working from home and in the case of all schools, remote learning.

Authorities have issued a warning to residents to stay at home and avoid trips if possible as the inclement weather conditions are expected to worsen throughout the day.

The volatile conditions are expected to subside tonight but there is some potential that schools could be granted another remote learning day tomorrow again.

Stay safe everybody!


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Image credit Canva

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