The Abu Dhabi Art Gallery is inviting you to the upcoming talk, Translation, Bodies, and Paratexts

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The session is part of the Navigating Digital Identities.

Artist Lee Blalock (left) and C.V. Starr Fellow in International Studies and Assistant Professor of Arabic at Middlebury College, Dima Ayoub (right)


The NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) Art Gallery will host Translation, Bodies, and Paratexts and you’re invited.

The virtual public conversation with C.V. Starr Fellow in International Studies and Assistant Professor of Arabic at Middlebury College Dima Ayoub and artist Lee Blalock, around translation and bodies in the digital space takes place on Monday, 31 May at 7.30pm (GMT +4). 

The programme of talks accompanies the virtual event not in, of, along, or relating to a line.

 The conversation is set to explore textual elements and paratexts, such as leetspeak and Arabic internet language.

The conversation is part of the Navigating Digital Identities, a programme of talks that accompanies the virtual exhibition not in, of, along, or relating to a line

In the exhibition, nine artists and art collectives make visible both the restrictions and the freedoms of digital culture, and explore how identities and histories are created, transformed, or invented through our relationship with technology. 

The meeting will be through Zoom and you can register here

For more information about the exhibition, please visit this link

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