Available in Abu Dhabi: Take your love of the environment a step further with these free courses

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Upskill your knowledge on the environment and get certified in the process.

Anybody following the Environmental Agency – Abu Dhabi will already know they are doing great work to help preserve the environment in all its guises for generations to come.

Now, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) is rolling out a number of free courses on critical environmental issues.

The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are open to everybody, regardless if you have a base in environmental studies or not.  And you can study in your preferred language, and that includes Arabic.

The good part- after being educational – is that the courses are FREE and are perfect for upskilling, especially as the long summer break is nearly here!

The first course on offer is Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience.

The course focuses on solutions to reduce the impacts of disasters and climate change, such as protecting forests on steep slopes, maintaining sand dunes along coastline and wetlands to buffer excess rainwater.

The second course on the list is available in no less than 10 languages.

The free course on Marine Litter is in partnership with UNREP and the Open Universiteit of the Netherlands, as a key activity of the Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPML).

The MOOC has been created to stimulate leadership and offers opportunities for actionable and change-oriented learning related to marine litter and microplastics.


If you want to have more knowledge about the environment and formalise your skills, then  visit Massive Open Online Courses for more information.

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