Find out if Islamic New Year means a day off in 2024
So, Hijri New Year, or Islamic New Year, is when we celebrate the first day of the new Islamic calendar. It’s the start of Muharram, the first month.
Moon phases vs. solar years
The Islamic calendar is all about moon phase cycles, unlike the Gregorian calendar, which is based on the solar orbit and has 365.25 days.
This means the dates change every year. For instance, Eid al-Fitr started on 21 April in 2023 but began on 10 April in 2024.
Last year’s Islamic New Year holiday in the UAE
In 2023, Hijri New Year was on 21 July, a Friday, and we got a holiday. This year, it’s expected to start on Sunday, 7 July 7.
So, does this mean no public holiday?
Will we get a day off for Islamic New Year 2024 in the UAE?
Not necessarily.
According to resolution No. 27 of 2024, “with the exception of Eid holidays, any of the official holidays … may be carried over by a Cabinet decision to the beginning or end of the week.”
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So, while it might not be likely, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) could surprise us by announcing a holiday on Friday, 5 July , 2024, or Monday, 8 July, 2024.
Stay tuned
We’re keeping a close eye on the official channels and will let you know as soon as a decision is made.
What’s the big deal about Hijri New Year?
Hijri, or Hijiri, comes from the Arabic word Al Hijra, meaning ‘flight’ or ‘migration.’
It marks the day Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) travelled from Makkah to Al Madina El Monawara in 622 AD of the Gregorian calendar.
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