42 Abu Dhabi turns a year old!

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358 job and internship opportunities were offered to students.

Offering a unique peer-to-peer and a gamified learning methodology, 42 Abu Dhabi turned one. Woo-hoo!

Making coding accessible to people from all walks of life, the school highlighted its remarkable achievements in empowering learners to shape the digital future of Abu Dhabi.

And we couldn’t be happier with what they’ve accomplished!

Collaborating with companies across different industries, 358 job and internship opportunities were offered to students of 42 Abu Dhabi. 109 sponsorships were also presented to UAE nationals.

Now that’s a big deal!

Why was 42 Abu Dhabi a hit you ask? Imagine a school that’s open 24 hours that allows you flexibility in learning and taking ownership of your own journey.

And then rewards you for your accomplishments.

We know we’d want to be enrolled!


For more information, 42abudhabi.ae

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Image source Canva

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