UAE authorities to strictly enforce the wearing of facemasks

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The Al Hosn app green pass validity has also been decreased.

Members of the public have been reminded to wear their facemasks indoors or face severe fines.

Authorities in the UAE have announced that violators of the law can expect to receive a fine of AED 3,000 should they be in a public place indoors without wearing a facemask.

Speaking at a media briefing on Monday (13 June) Dr. Taher Al Ameri said the number of daily COVID-19 cases had increased by a 100 per cent and that more people had been hospitalised due to the illness.



The news comes as the Al Hosn app green pass validity was reduced from 30 days to 14 days.

Coming into effect from tomorrow (Wednesday 15 June), you will be only be able to present a green pass should you undergo a PCR test every 14 days which produces a negative result.

Members of the public were also warned that confirmed cases who breach the mandatory isolation period will receive strict action.


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Image source Canva

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