When To See A Psychologist

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If you’re unsure about a family member’s behaviour, consult a psychologist. Virginie Mebarak offers some useful insight to worried parents.

When to consult a psychologist?

Life rarely comes without challenges and we often are able to manage them on our own. However, there are instances, which may be overbearing.

You may need the expertise of a psychologist if your problem causes a significant distress in your life, if you feel stuck and nothing you have done seems to help. You may also seek professional help when it feels like your emotions, behaviors or thoughts are out of your control, if you feel unhappy and unsatisfied with your life, or if you suffer from a trauma, and your family and friends are concerned about you.


Do I have to have a severe mental illness?

People accessing counseling service do not necessarily have severe or chronic mental disorder. Many people are proactively looking for opportunities to improve their lives and careers. In a collaborative manner, a therapist provides evidence-based strategy to help individuals enhance their knowledge of themselves and foster some adjustments to their best potential as a human being.


Should I expect to lie down on couch to talk about the way I was brought up?

This is not what actually happens. The modern psychological approaches focus on an individual’s current issues and it is conducted as a face-to-face conversation. The therapy is oriented toward scientific knowledge, skills enhancement, tools mastery that you can use on a daily basis.


What to expect from a first psychotherapy session?

The first therapy session is primarily an information-gathering session, similar to any other kind of health care appointment. While primary care physicians focus mainly on physiological signs, therapists explore psychological, as well as emotional and behavioral functioning in a collaborative, non-judgmental and respectful manner. During the first session, the therapist will ask about the current problem, its onset, how it impacts daily functioning, personal and family history of mental health disorder, upbringing etc.


What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating mental illnesses. A psychiatrist’s training starts with medical school and is followed by specialized training in psychiatry. A psychiatrist can prescribe medications.

A psychologist has a university degree in psychology, which is the study of the mind and behaviors. Licensed psychologists are qualified to do counseling and psychotherapy, perform psychological testing, and provide talking treatment for mental disorders. Psychologists and psychiatrists often work closely together to provide a multi-disciplinary comprehensive approach.


What kind of mental health service do you provide?

HealthPlus Diabetes & Endocrinology Center in Abu Dhabi in collaboration with Camali Clinic provides mental health services to children, adolescent, adults and the elderly by offering a patient-centered approach to those facing difficulties with their well-being. Our team consists of psychiatrist, psychologists, mental health nurses and dieticians who were selected for their professionalism and passion for what they do, as well as their cultural competences.

We provide an evidence-based treatment for various issues ranging from mild problems to severe pathologies based on a comprehensive assessment. We see a wide range of cases for example, but not limited to, stress management, depression, sleep disturbances, behavioral problems in children, marital and relationship conflicts, low self-esteem, smoking cessation, fear of public speaking, anxiety, disordered eating, ADHD, phobia, psychosexual disorder, OCD, bereavement anger management and postpartum depression. Services can be provided in various languages such as English, Arabic, French, and Italian.


By: Ms. Virginie Mebarek

Clinical Psychologist

HealthPlus Diabetes & Endocrinology Center in collaboration with Camali Clinic

02 666 0363


For more information, please visit www.hplus.ae/family.

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